1098 - t常见问题解答

  • 1098-T表格的用途是什么?

    The 1098-T form is used by eligible educational institutions to report information about their students to the 国税局 as required by the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997. 符合条件的教育机构须提交学生姓名, address, 及纳税人识别号码(TIN), 招生及学术状况. 从2003年开始, educational institutions must also report amounts to the 国税局 pertaining to qualified tuition and related expenses, 以及奖学金和/或助学金, 应税与否.

    1098-T表格也必须提供给每个符合条件的学生. 此表格仅供参考. It serves to alert students that they may be eligible for federal income tax education credits. 它不应被视为税务意见或建议. 虽然这是一个很好的起点, 1098 - t, 由美国国税局设计和管理, 不包含申请税收抵免所需的所有信息. There is no 国税局 requirement that you must claim the tuition and fees deduction or an education credit. 申请教育税收优惠是那些可能符合条件的人的自愿决定.

  • 我为什么会收到1098-T表格?我应该怎样处理表格?

    Colleges and universities are required to issue 1098 - t form for the purpose of determining a student’s eligibility for the 希望和终身学习教育税收抵免. 收到1098-T表格并不意味着有资格获得税收抵免. 学生和家庭应咨询他们的税务顾问或 美国国税局出版物970,教育税收优惠,以确定他们的资格. 1098-T表格仅供参考,不应被视为税务意见或建议. 如果您对如何计算您的教育税优惠有疑问, 您应该咨询您的税务专业人员或参考 国税局.

  • 1098-T表格的方框中包含哪些信息?
    • 箱1 -从所有来源收到的款项,直至合格的学费和相关费用.
    • 框2 – Amount 宣传 for qualified tuition and related expenses will no longer be displayed in this box; 仅计算以协助方框1中报告的金额.
    • 盒3 – This box will be checked if the educational institution has changed its reporting method for the tax year. 请注意: Reporting method did change for 2018 tax year; 杰克逊的大学 changed from reporting in 框2 (amount 宣传 for qualified tuition and related expenses) to reporting in 箱1 (payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses).
    • 4盒 – Shows any adjustment made for a prior year for qualified tuition and related expenses that were reported on a prior year 1098-T form.
    • 框5 – Shows the total of all scholarships or grants administered and processed by 杰克逊的大学 during the calendar year. 从第三方赞助商收到的款项(如.g. 栏5也包括雇主、政府或代理实体. The amount of scholarships or grants for the calendar year (including those not reported by the institution) may reduce the amount of any allowable tuition and fees deduction or the education credit you may claim for the year. 如果你有贷款, 比如直接联邦补贴贷款, this is not included in this box; the loan servicer is responsible to send you a 1098-E tax statement.
    • 箱6 -显示前一年奖学金或助学金的调整情况. This amount may affect the amount of any allowable tuition and fees deduction or education credit you may claim for the prior year. 看到酒吧. 970关于如何报告这些金额.
    • 7箱 – This box will be checked if the amount in box 1 included amounts for an academic period beginning January-March of the following calendar/tax year.
    • 盒8 – Shows whether you are considered to be carrying at least one-half the normal full-time workload for your course of study. If you are at least a half-time student for at least one academic period that begins 年内, 你符合希望信贷的条件之一.
    • 盒9 -不适用.
    • 10箱 -不适用.

    请注意:适用于2018年之前的纳税年度, 根据国税局的税收规定, the college is required to either report payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses in box 1 OR amount 宣传 for qualified tuition and related expenses in box 2 of Form 1098-T. 此前,全球网络赌博平台只选出2号包厢. 适用于2018年及以后的纳税年度, 全球网络赌博平台将在第1栏报道, 第2栏将不再显示纳税表格上的金额.

  • 我的1098-T表格上的地址变了. 这是否会影响我提交报税表?

    No. 1098-T表格上显示的地址与国税局所得税申报目的无关.  然而, 你应该把你的地址更新为全球网络赌博平台, 哪些可以通过学生服务中心办理.

  • 如果我的1098-T表格上的名字不正确或有更改,我该如何更正?

    纠正或改变你的名字, you need to contact the 杰克逊的大学’s 学生服务 office to complete the requirements for a name change.  一旦你的名字在大学系统中被更改, contact the Business Office to request a new corrected 1098-T form which will be made accessible through Jet Stream.

  • 全球网络赌博平台的税号是多少?


  • 我可否以电子方式查阅我的1098-T表格?

    是的, you can access your 1098-T form electronically by logging into Jet Stream and clicking on the Tax Information menu.   您必须同意以电子方式查看您的表格.

  • 我没有收到1098-T表格. 为什么?


    • 杰克逊的大学 is only required to send 1098-T forms to students whose qualified tuition and related expenses are greater than the students’ scholarships and grants (Please refer to 国税局 填写表格1098-E及1098-T须知 第2页例外情况).


    • Student A has payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses of $1800 (Box1) and scholarship and grants of $2350 (框5) for the prior calendar year. 学生A不会从全球网络赌博平台邮寄1098-T表格.
    • 学生B已收到3美元的合格学费和相关费用,360(方框1)和1美元的奖学金和助学金,第810号(栏5)为上一历年. 学生B将收到全球网络赌博平台的1098-T表格.


    • 如果你邮寄了1098-T表格,那么它可以通过Jet Stream在线获得.


    • 如果您没有有效的社会安全号码, 或者从未向全球网络赌博平台告过, 可能没有发出1098-T表格. 请填写W-9S (http://www.IRS.gov/pub/IRS-pdf/fw9s.pdf).  W9-S forms should not be scanned and emailed, they should be uploaded to our secure mailbox at: webmail.thadiy.com/securedocuments 并选择“营业厅”, 或者你可以把W-9S寄到全球网络赌博平台, 营业处, 埃蒙斯路2111号, 杰克逊, MI  49201


    • Your entire qualified tuition and related expenses were 支付 under a “formal billing arrangement” where 杰克逊的大学 宣传 an employer or government/agency entity.
    • 你被视为非居民外国人.
    • 你只选了非学分课程.
    • 你入学还不到一半时间
  • 为什么我的1098-T表格第2栏是空白的?

    往年, your 1098-T included a figure in 框2 that represented the qualified tuition and related expenses we 宣传 到你的学生账户日历(纳税)年度. 由于联邦法律对机构报告要求的改变, 从2018纳税年度开始, 全球网络赌博平台将在第1栏报道, 合格的学费和相关费用的金额 支付 年内. 我们将不再在第2栏中报告. The amount for 框2 will only be calculated to assist with amount reported in 箱1 but will not be displayed.

  • 如果我是国际学生,我可以收到1098-T表格吗?

    大多数国际学生没有资格向美国政府申请教育税收抵免.S. 美国国税局. 符合资格的国际学生包括:

    • 永久居民
    • 嫁给了一个美国人.S. 公民或永久居民
    • 那些可能被美国政府声称为受抚养人的人.S. 公民或永久居民
    • 那些在美国呆过的人.S. 足够长时间以居民身份申报联邦所得税

    有关资格的更多信息,请参见 国税局第970号出版物. 全球网络赌博平台不能提供税务建议. 欲了解更多信息,请联系您的税务顾问或美国国税局.

  • 国际学生如何申请1098-T税表?

    杰克逊的大学 must obtain your correct identifying number to file Form 1098-T with the 国税局 and to furnish a statement to you. 这将是您的社会安全号码(SSN)或, 如果你没有资格获得社会安全号码, 你的个人纳税人识别号码. 如果你没有提交你的SSN或ITIN, you will not be denied access to the College; however, 如果您没有提供正确的SSN或ITIN,您可能会受到美国国税局50美元的民事罚款.

    如果你的SSN或ITIN没有在学校存档, 请填写W-9S (http://www.IRS.gov/pub/IRS-pdf/fw9s.pdf). W9-S forms should not be scanned and emailed, they should be uploaded to our secure mailbox at: webmail.thadiy.com/securedocuments 并选择“营业厅”, 或者你可以把W-9S寄到全球网络赌博平台, 营业处, 埃蒙斯路2111号, 杰克逊, MI  49201.

  • 如果我必须提交修改后的纳税申报表,由于更正表格1098-T, 我会得到额外费用的补偿吗?


  • 我的报税员说全球网络赌博平台必须给我一份1098-T表


    • 支付给不提供学分的课程的费用.
    • 如果注册的学生是一个非居民外国人,除非学生要求.
    • Students whose qualified tuition and related expenses are 支付 entirely with grants/scholarships.
    • Students whose qualified tuition and related expenses are 支付 with a formal billing arrangement between 杰克逊的大学 and the student’s employer or a governmental entity, 比如退伍军人事务部或国防部.
  • 第1栏的计算包含了哪些费用?
    合格的学费和相关费用 不被视为合格学费和相关费用的费用
    学费 住房费用
    类费用 膳食计划
    学生服务费 支付计划报名费或滞纳金
    教科书存取费 房屋损坏收费
  • 如果我还有问题,我可以联系谁?
