

等候名单是的地方的升级版,它将允许您以电子方式“排队等候”舱内的下一个可用座位. 当有空缺时, 等待名单上的下一个学生将被发送一封电子邮件到他们的JC学生邮箱,通知他们“注册状态许可”.“这个过程将消除不断检查你想要的部分是否开放的需要.


To add yourself to a waitlist online, log into 的地方 and follow the online registration process. 点击“Go to Plan” & 时间表.在“时间表”选项卡的左侧,应该列出相应学期的已批准课程. Click the blue button that says, “候补名单”,将自己添加到已满的特定课程部分的候补名单中.

访问 学生服务 on JC’s 中央校区, Jc @ lisd tech或希尔斯代尔的Clyde LeTarte中心帮助处理在线注册. Staff will be available to help you access 的地方 and walk you through the online registration process.


You can manage your waitlisted courses online using 的地方. In 的地方, Go to ‘Student Planning’ and ‘Plan & 时间表.在时间表选项卡下, 是否会有一份你已经批准的课程的名单,包括你已经在等候名单上的课程. 你是否应该决定从你的特定课程部分的候补名单中删除, 点击蓝色按钮, 放的候补名单.’ This will remove you from the waitlist.

被候补名单注册:因为一些注册的学生没有支付他们的账单, vacancies typically become available after the first payment deadline. 您将通过您的 JC学生邮件 如果有空位,你已经收到了注册候补课程的许可.


When a seat becomes available in a waitlisted section, an email will be sent to the first student on the waitlist for that section. 请务必检查您的 JC学生邮件 定期. 学院不负责完整的电子邮件收件箱或其他类似的问题,可能会影响电子邮件的接收.

If you were on multiple waitlists for different sections of the same course, you will be removed from those waitlists once you register for a section.

JC学生邮件 is the ONLY form of notification for wait openings.

一旦您的JC学生电子邮件帐户收到注册许可通知, 学生有责任登录他们的的地方帐户,点击等待列表课程下面的“注册”按钮. 注意:收到通知后,学生有24小时的时间进行课程注册. 如果24小时的时间已经过去,学生还没有注册课程, 注册的机会已经过期,学生将不得不再次加入课程的等待名单并重新开始注册过程.


将自己加入候补名单的学生明白,在候补名单上的位置不能保证在课程或部门注册. 据了解,学生不会自动从候补名单移至班级名册. 学生有责任每天检查他们的全球网络赌博平台学生电子邮件帐户,看看是否允许注册他们的候补课程. If students choose to register once permission is granted, 必须在公布的付款截止日期之前安排支付与课程相关的学费和费用.

我们也理解,如果学生的课程表发生任何变化,造成时间冲突或学分过载, 如果获得注册许可,学生将无法注册自己的候补课程.

Waitlisting 常见问题 (FAQs)



Will all sections offer a waitlist?

No. 通过我们(MCCVLC)密歇根大学在线或我们的继续教育/终身学习提供的部分将不使用候补名单.


是的, but if you decide to enroll in the previously waitlisted section, you are responsible for dropping the first one. Otherwise, you will have registered/paid for two sections of the same course. Example: Jet Jackson is enrolled in MTH-133 that meets on Monday/Wednesday at 9 a.m., but really prefers the Tuesday evening section. He is on the waitlist for the Tuesday evening section and is offered a spot. If he registers and pays for the Tuesday evening section, he must also drop himself from the Monday/Wednesday section he no longer wants. This will not happen automatically.

Can I get an overload into a section that is full?

超载只会在学期开始和学期候补名单关闭后才会被尊重.Written consent must be brought to 学生服务 on JC’s 中央校区, Jc @ lisd tech or the Clyde LeTarte Center, 希尔斯代尔. If your instructor issued consent via email, please print the email which shows the sent address and bring it with you.

Should I go to class if I am on the waitlist?


How will I know I can register for a waitlisted section?

When there is a seat available in the section, an email will be sent to the first student on the waitlist for that section. 请务必检查您的 杰克逊的大学 email 定期. 学院不负责邮箱满或其他可能影响电子邮件接收的类似问题.

If you were on multiple waitlists for the same course, you will be removed from those waitlists once you register for a section.

Email is the ONLY form of notification for waitlisting.

What happens if I do not register before the deadline?

Your permission to register expires on the date indicated in the notification email. Permission to register is then given to the next student on the waitlist.

What happens if I drop a section and want to get back into the same section?

如果该部门有空缺,并且没有等候名单,您可以注册该部门. If the section is filled, you may place yourself on the waitlist.


因未付款而被退学的学生只会被从他们已注册的课程中除名. If you were dropped for non-payment and the course is now closed, you must place yourself on the waitlist. You will remain waitlisted for sections which you have waitlisted.

If a new section of a course is opened, will the students on the waitlist for other full sections be automatically notified?

是的. 目前在新课程部分课程候补名单上的学生将收到一封电子邮件. The new section will be filled on a first come, first served basis and this notification does not guarantee you a seat in any section.

Can Dual Enrolled Students participate in Waitlisting?

No. At this time Dual Enrolled students cannot be added to a waitlist for any course.